Tuesday 18 December 2012

Setting up of Centre for Digital Economy Policy Research

Centre for Digital Economy Policy Research, a leading think tank in Digital Economy, was setup with the following objectives

              i.        To bring together the finest brains in Academia, Industry and civil society to formulate proposed policies on  Digital Economy  that will help in economic  growth and  prosperity of India.

             ii.        To focus on promotion of the Indian Digital Economy and creation of a larger manufacturing and services ecosystem, based on non-discriminatory policies.

            iii.        To provide support to the Governments in India, at the central , state and local level and their  various agencies, to  make India a global digital Industry hub and to enhance the ICT security profile of the country and its institutions.

           iv.        To provide support to governments and other agencies outside of India in issue related to digital economy.

            v.        To collaborate with domestic and international counterparts and Industry Associations to position the Indian digital industry as globally competitive.

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